
£ 34.37

The complete formula in Bio-Kult helps balance and maintain these natural systems against pathogenic and opportunistic organisms. It is of fundamental importance that we have an adequate level of these probiotic bacteria in our bodies at all times. With fourteen strains of beneficial bacteria at a concentration of 10 billion per gram, Bio-Kult is one of the most powerful probiotic supplements available.

  • Code: CB001
  • Availability: Out of Stock

Immune & Digestive Systems Support

The healthy body naturally hosts trillions of beneficial bacteria. Amongst other things, they help to support and maintain a strong immune system and a healthy digestive system. Today’s lifestyle of stress and poor nutrition can compromise these essential functions.

The complete formula in Bio-Kult helps balance and maintain these natural systems against pathogenic and opportunistic organisms. It is of fundamental importance that we have an adequate level of these probiotic bacteria in our bodies at all times. With fourteen strains of beneficial bacteria at a concentration of 10 billion per gram, Bio-Kult is one of the most powerful probiotic supplements available.

The Main Features of Bio-Kult are:

  • Advanced Probiotic Formula
  • Fourteen Strains of Beneficial Bacteria
  • Powerful Bacterial Count at Minimum10 Billion/gram
  • No Need for Refrigeration
  • Two year shelf life
  • Easy Swallow Capsules 

Bio-Kult FAQs

Can Bio-Kult be taken during pregnancy?
Bio-Kult contains naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms which have been previously shown to be safe to take during pregnancy. However, we would always recommend that advice should be sought from your GP/Health Care Practitioner whenever taking supplements.

I’m lactose intolerant. Can I take Bio-Kult?
Bio-Kult contains probiotic strains that have been shown to produce lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose, which is usually lacking in people intolerant to lactose. Bio-Kult contains traces of milk products at a level which would not affect lactose intolerance sufferers.

I have an allergy to milk. Can I take Bio-Kult?
Bio-Kult contains traces of milk that would not affect lactose intolerant sufferers, but if you have an
allergy to milk, we would suggest you talk to your practitioner before taking Bio-Kult.

Are there any side effects from taking Bio-Kult?
Bio-Kult contains a high concentration of beneficial microorganisms. If there is a pathogenic overload in your gut, and you start off with a high dose of Bio-Kult, in a small number of people a ‘die-off’ side effect, such as bloating, may be experienced for a few days.

I suffer from IBD. Will probiotics help?
Evidence suggests that increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the small intestine and colon may improve the health of patients suffering from IBD. Probiotics will not cure IBD, but have been shown to reduce the symptoms of IBD.

I suffer from IBS. Will Bio-Kult help?
Evidence has shown that probiotics (such as some of the strains contained within Bio-Kult) can reduce the symptoms of IBS, like bloating and gas (see ‘Gut conditions’).

Can I take Bio-Kult at the same time as antibiotics?
Yes, evidence shows that taking a probiotic at the same time as an antibiotic can reduce the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (see ‘Gut conditions’). For the best results, take the probiotic at the opposite end of the day to the antibiotic. Where this is not possible, take the probiotic at least three hours after the antibiotic course.

I’m going on holiday, but regularly suffer from Traveller’s Stomach. Will Bio-Kult help?
Studies have shown that giving probiotics to travellers reduces the incidence of Traveller’s Stomach.

I regularly suffer from yeast infections, such as Candida. Will Bio-Kult help?
Evidence has shown that taking a probiotic supplement can help prevent recurrent yeast infections.

I suffer from eczema. Can I take Bio-Kult?
Yes. Some studies have shown that taking a daily probiotic can reduce eczema symptoms.

I have a leaky gut. Can I take Bio-Kult?
Yes. Probiotics have been shown to improve intestinal permeability and reduce inflammation in leaky gut patients.

Serving Instructions

Adults and children 12+: Take 1-4 capsules daily, with food. Children 3-11 years: Give 1-2 capsules daily, with food. If taking antibiotics: Take 4 capsules daily, ideally at a different time of the day from the antibiotics. Continue taking for at least 2 weeks after completion of antibiotic course. When travelling: 1 week before travel follow guidelines for general use. During travel take 4 capsules daily and continue to take for at least 1 week following the end of travel.

Serving Size

1 capsule contains:


Minimum 2 billion live microorganisms per capsule (2x109 CFU), viable throughout the shelf life, equivalent to 10 billion live microorganisms per gram (1x1010 CFU).

Bacillus subtilis
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium breve
Bifidobacterium infantis
Bifidobacterium longum
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus Delbrukeii spp. bulgaricus
Lactobacillus Delbrukeii spp. lactis
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus salivarius spp. salivarius
Streptococcus thermophilus

Other Ingredients

microcrystalline cellulose

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Does Not Contain

Does Not Contain
artificial additives
artificial colours or flavours

Suitable For

Suitable For


food supplements should not be used as a replacement for a healthy varied diet
contains traces of soya
contains traces of milk products at a level which would not affect lactose intolerance sufferers
this product should be prescribed at the discretion of the Health Care Practitioner for pregnant women, milk allergies, and in cases of immunosuppression
Store in a cool, dry place - no need to refrigerate

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